Dhaka Art Summit, 2020

Installation comprised of Sultana’s Dream print series, Totem sculpture, How We Do video installation, custom built viewing structure, wall drawing, hand sculpture with projections

Inspired by the geological reading of the word ‘summit’ as the top of a mountain, Seismic Movements: Dhaka Art Summit 2020 (DAS 2020) considers the various ruptures that have realigned and continue to shift the face of our spinning planet. Seismic movements do not adhere to statist or nationalist frameworks. They join and split apart tectonics of multiple scales and layers; their epicentres don’t privilege historical imperial centres over the so-called peripheries; they can slowly accumulate or violently erupt in an instant.

Summit website


Excerpts from ‘How We Do’ videos shown in the viewing structure

Emphasizing collective knowledge and skills-sharing as an essential aspect of an equitable future, Ganesh mixes how-to videos and media reports found online with new clips she solicited from friends and members of her broader queer and trans community to create and share videos that show women, queer, and transgender people demonstrating different activities from cooking and ukulele playing to learning to ride mopeds, and more.


A city will share her secrets if you know how to ask


Unearthly Delights