Her Garden, A Mirror, The Kitchen, 2018


The Kitchen presents Her garden, a mirror, a solo exhibition by Chitra Ganesh of new works in printmaking, sculpture, and, video (September 14-October 20). Taking as her point of departure the feminist, sci-fi utopia imagined by Bengali Muslim author and social reformer Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain in her 1905 story “Sultana's Dream,” Ganesh continues her symbolically rich exploration of gender and power, harnessing mythologies of the past to expand a futurist imaginary. Engaging the speculative traditions of varied art historical and literary sources, Ganesh reimagines the roles of the individual and the collective during periods of societal turbulence.

Curated by Matthew Lyons.

Press Release


At Her Dream's Edge, Hayward Gallery, London


Sultana's Dream